AAM Activities

It is envisaged that the academy will be the focal point for Asian academics to meet, discuss and network. With this in mind, the core activities of the academy will be the organisation of biennial conference, seminars, as well as the publication of journals. It is hoped that such an exchange of ideas will expand and enrich management frontiers in Asian economies.


Asian Academy of Management International Conference (AAMC)

AAMC is held once every two years. The themes of the conferences address the current issues in the areas of business and management. The previous AAMC were attended by participants from all over the world, including Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Jordon, Indonesia, Japan, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA and Yemen. Quality papers will be invited for a fast track publication in AAMJ and AAMJAF. Upon joining our conference, you are eligible for 2 years Asian Academy of Management (AAM) Membership. As a member, you are entitled for the discounted AAM membership fee for our next conference. Link to AAMC 2019: http://aamc.usm.my/


 Asian Academy of Management Journal (AAMJ)

AAMJ is a refereed journal that is jointly published by the Asian Academy of Management (AAM) and Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. The journal endeavors to provide forums for academicians and practitioners who are interested in the discussion of current and future issues and challenges impacting the Asian Management as well as promoting and disseminating relevant, high quality research in the field of management. It is a journal published by an APEX university and currently available in EBSCOHOST and SCOPUS databases. AAMJ is listed in Australian Excellence in Research (ERA) Ranked Journal List. Link to AMMJ website: http://web.usm.my/aamj/


Asian Academy of Management Journal of
Accounting and Finance (AAMJAF)

AAMJAF is a peer reviewed journal published twice a year (March and September) by the Asian Academy of Management (AAM) and Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. It is a specialized journal focusing on research in Accounting and Finance. The editorial committee of AAMJAF is committed towards ensuring publication of articles that meet high quality standards through its blind review process. AAMJAF is carried in the databases of EBSCOHOST and SCOPUS and is included under the Australian Excellence in Research (ERA) Ranked Journal List. Link to AAMJAF website: http://web.usm.my/journal/aamjaf



To accommodate effective coordination among AAM members in Indonesia, AAM has established an AAM Indonesian Chapter in Binus University, Jakarta. This chapter is part of AAM’s aim to expand the existence of AAM in Asia. AAM Indonesia has organized many activities since 2008 particularly in supporting international conferences in Indonesia. The contact person is Associate Professor Dr. Idris Gautama So (igautama@binus.edu).